NEW! Just Released: Local Fibromyalgia Doctor Exposes The Shocking Truth About This So Called "Incurable" Condition...


Attention Fibromyalgia Sufferers: 
"Here's A Safe & Easy Way Many Are Using To Feel Better, Be Up, Motivated, And Get Excited To Live Life Again! Discover The Secret To Finally Stop Living In Pain, Even If You've Tried Everything Before!"

           Dear Friend In Pain,
           What you're about to read will show you step-by-step how many people are helping their pain and suffering and literally getting their life handed back to them - no matter how hard they've tried before… 
            I don't have to tell you that Fibromyalgia is a terrible condition that not only robs you of strength and motivation, but also in severe cases, can even strip you of the will to live. 
           Some say that if you've been suffering from Fibromyalgia, it's not surprising if the pain and agony that you're going though makes you want to cry or even wish you would die sometimes. At the least, it makes even the strongest minded individual stop and ask why..."why 'me', I can't take it," and "why do I have to go through this?"
           If that describes you, you must want your life back. You must wish you could stop the torment and to feel energized and alive again. If you're like most sufferers, you've tried so many things. 
          You've taken the meds, you've went to doctors, you've tried the magic oils, you've probably even gotten some type of therapy. You don't know who or what to believe anymore. It's even disturbing your quality of life and time with your family.

             When you finally get a chance to relax and enjoy yourself it attacks. Let's say you're out with your spouse, or the kids are with mom, or you have a chance to soak up some time to yourself. Maybe you'd like see a movie, grab dinner, simply have a nice evening out with your loved one. Then it happens. It creeps up and sets in. 

"Like A Thug Just Waiting For The Perfect Time To Attack, The Pain Suddenly Creeps In"

             You're night is ruined. You can't enjoy even a waking moment. You go home, get in bed and try to at least have a good nights sleep but you end up sleeping poorly. The next day you awake to feeling chronically tired or even depressed. 
             The cycle seems to repeat itself and go on and on.  You just want the pain to stop more than anything else, and you should! You deserve more, you deserve to live your life again. There has to be a way for this horror of a nightmare to stop...!
             I'm going to share with you how you may be able to make it stop. Don't let any negative thoughts of "no hope" or "being trapped" in this condition sink in. Please open your mind before you get down or even feel like there is no hope, because I want to let you in on something very positive....I may be able to help you feel yourself again!
            That's right! Regardless of how bad you think it may be, I may be able to help you! My name is Dr. Hoopes and I help people fight and overcome the horror of Fibromyalgia. 
           A large percentage of my patients come to me seeking help for the exact same reason you are: they've tried everything and have no where else to turn. They want to eliminate Fibromyalgia forever! Most of my Fibromyalgia patients have great success even with the simplest little treatment I offer and it may be able to work for you too…

"Here's Why Fibromyalgia Ruins The Lives Of Millions Of People Each Year, And How You Can Easily Avoid This Common Mistake"

          Fibromyalgia can become a crippling disease. It ruins the lives of millions people each year. Why? They never spend the time focusing in on the source of the problem. 
         Most of the recent research on Fibromyalgia points to brain stem injury and malfunction as the major cause of Fibromyalgia. Sometimes a simple nerve system evaluation and surface EMG test can detect the exact problem. Imagine finally, feeling yourself again and getting rid of the pain! It works for many people and it may be able to work for you too! 

However, don't just take my word for it, here's more proof. 

Check out these real-life examples: 

"Initially came to the office with Fibromyalgia and the aches and pains that come with the disorder. Chiropractic care has changed my life for the better. Now I go about my life with much more pleasure. I can drive now and haven't been able to for 10 years"! 
Sandra, 50 plus year old women, ex Fibromyalgia sufferer

"When I first came I had suffered with pain in my lower back for several months, with it eventually progressing to extend into my left leg and foot. I had gone to my family doctor and he prescribed pain medications and muscle relaxers, but it didn't help. In fact, the medications upset my stomach and made me unable to concentrate at my job. Fortunately, my son-in-law recommended that I get a thorough evaluation. The doctor sat down with me and explained to me what my spine was doing to cause the pain and recommended a plan of care to correct the spinal misalignments, as well as gave me exercises to get me back on my feet. It was just a short time before all the pain was gone, I'm back to walking my two miles a day and can lift my grandchildren again. I recommend this to everyone that is willing to listen. I'm sold on its' benefits!" 
Felecia, Previous Fibromyalgia sufferer 
(Names were changed for privacy purposes)

"The 3 BIG Fibromyalgia Myths That May Cause You More Pain And Suffering And Makes Your Situation Even Worse!" 

             I promise your situation is not unique. And more importantly - your situation is NOT hopeless. 

             However, you must avoid the 3 myths, or I hate to say, you will make things worse. This is a big problem. Most people who suffer from Fibromyalgia have been fed the myths by doctors, authorities, media, even friends. "It's all in your mind!" or "You just need to stop stressing so much, calm down!" 

             Here are the three biggest myths about Fibromyalgia. Believing these will never get you the results you want and may make things worse: 

  • The first one is hoping that physical activity or exercise will work by itself! Exercise is important, but it sometimes makes the problem worse without first identifying the true cause of the symptoms.
  • The second is hoping the problem will go away by itself! This is ludicrous. Fibromyalgia sometimes gets worse as it gets ignored. People that put off the correct treatment can look forward to even more pain and suffering down the road.
  • The third is taking doses and doses of medication to alleviate the pain! This is most dangerous of all the fallacies! Medication or pain killers, and mind altering drugs pump chemicals into your brain to fool it and make it think the problem is gone. All the while, because of mistreatment and neglect the problem gets worse. But that's the not as bad as the terrible side affects of pain killers and medication. Medication is the worse alternative to healing and eliminating Fibromyalgia. Not only does it make the condition worse, but also creates additional problems and even dependency on medication.

          Wouldn't you agree that it's crazy to think you'll get different results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again? If I keep touching a hot stove and kept getting burned - I'd be silly to think the next time I touch that hot stove I won't get burnt.

                      That's why you need to try something different… 

"What If There Was A Safe, Simple Way You Could Become Pain Free?"

              As I mentioned before, there may be a way. A way you can relieve your Fibromyalgia and even become pain free...without drugs, medication, or surgery and without losing any more quality time and missing out on the quality of life you deserve.
             Due to the overwhelming amount of patients that have requested Fibromyalgia relief, I've decided to create a new consultation that gives sufferers a step-by-step formula to start detecting the source of Fibromyalgia. It's different than anything else you've probably heard of and I would like to offer you a limited opportunity to get it FREE! This is valued up to $175!

Here's all you need to do to get it:
Call us at 435-723-0517 for a FREE Fibromyalgia Consultation and you'll get your Fibromyalgia FREE Consultation appointment FREE!

              By the way, you don't have to decide now if you want or will even need regular treatment- just call for your Free Fibromyalgia Consultation at our risk before it's too late. I'm only offering this Fibromyalgia Consultation for FREE, for a limited time. It wouldn't be fair to our existing patients to book our entire appointment book with free consultations. So we've decided that we'll offer this only for a limited time.

Can I help you get rid of it forever? 

Maybe. Maybe not. 

          The only way to find out is to take the first step by taking action and calling us at 435-723-0517. I know it may be difficult for you to do this. Maybe even the slightest effort is tiresome and a burden. That's okay, that's the exact reason why you must force yourself right now to call us now and get your FREE Consultation!
          You owe it to yourself to finally do something for yourself! Get this thing taken care of once and for all. This is your first step to doing just that....

          There is absolutely no way that you can lose - except by not taking me up on risk-free consultation. 

          Remember, don't put this off. Even if for some reason you're still considering surgery, family doctor recommendations, or pills, you must try to solve the real problem first before doing the temporary options and before your problem gets worse and worse due to neglect. We may be able to help but you must take the action....
Again, just call us at 435-723-0517 and let us take care of the rest!. The ball's in your court!
            To your health,

            Dr.  Jeremiah Hoopes

            PS. Remember, this offer is only valid for a limited time. We can't give this away forever! This is a no obligation FREE consultation to help you determine the exact cause of the symptoms your feeling! You'll then feel great especially if we detect the exact reason for what's causing your pain (and even better if you leave with relief!)

This Free Report Is Compliments of Dr. Hoopes
770 S 200 E, Brigham City, UT 84302

This material is © Copyrighted by Pat Necerato